Isa 42:8 “I am YHWH, that is My Name, and My esteem I do not give to another, nor My praise to idols.”


Doomsday Preppers

Are doomsday preppers just paranoid extremists? Well, Yahushua taught His followers to be doomsday preppers! Actually, the Scripture is full of doomsday prepping! Are you getting ready?

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Count Your Blessings

This is what we need to do, Especially when feeling blue, To lift us up and get us through, Let’s bring our blessings into view.

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What I Wouldn’t Do For YHWH

Wouldn't you like to think tings like: If I had been there then, I wouldn't have stood with those making that golden calf or I wouldn't have bowed before Nebuchadnezzar's image, or I wouldn't have listened to that serpent....

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Fat Grumpy People at Walmart

While your cup is overflowing, is your grateful heart a showing? Or are you instead, distressing, while you're covered up with blessings? Could you be one of those fat grumpy people at Walmart? 

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Duking It Out With a Dummy

(Parental Advisory: Promiscuity and STDs discussed, just past the 35 min mark.) Don’t get drawn in to feuds over things that just don’t matter. Sometimes it’s hard to tell who is who in a dummy duel! Pro 29:9 When a wise man...

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